Thursday, February 26, 2009

Several Things in Mind Part 2, Survival

Another thing that is keeping me busy is finding some kind of part time job that will leave me enough time to keep writing, and so I came upon this "online job desk" which might be useful to you too:

Odesk, "the virtual workplace"

It seems like many job offers are underpaid (and its hard to compete with the low pay that some people are willing to work for), but nevertheless I'll be trying that out for the next few months. Any other ideas (or part time job offers!) are welcome! Just leave a comment...

Several Things in Mind Part 1, The Script

First off I've been working on my script pretty much everyday since the 1st of January (2009). I've never really written a script before, as I've only done very short clips and animations, so it has been a rather interesting and unexpected experience. Being and avid book-reader, I found the following titles more useful than others, mainly because they focus on creative writing more than on final technique or structures. Which doesn't mean that they won't tell you about that stuff, but it's not the focus.

Script Magic by Marisa D'Vari

The New Scriptwriter's Journal by Mary Johnson

The next book is on how Hollywood scripts work and what to focus on if you are interested in writing to such an effect. Absolutely practical stuff written by one of those few people that can actually teach (or so it seems).

Screenwriting Tricks of the Trade by William Froug

The last book analyzes ten well known movies to show how these are structured and how they work, an interesting read if you want to go deep into "The Structure".

Storytelling in the New Hollywood by Kristin Thompson

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February Competitions and Calls

Cg Society, Siggraph and Tilt festival

Cg Society has a surreal style competition going on : CG Society / NV Art

Siggraph, the largest CG meet still has some calls open (art and animation f.e.). Links to full descriptions here: Siggraph Calls

Courses, Information Aesthetics Showcase, Emerging Technologies, Panels, Posters, Talks Wednesday, 18 February 2009

BioLogic Art Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Student Volunteers Applications Monday, 23 February 2009

Game Papers Sunday, 1 March 2009

Competition Films, Real-Time Rendering Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Late-Breaking Posters, Late-Breaking Talks Wednesday, 6 May 2009

FJORG! Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Research Challenge Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Tilt Festival has a movie remix competition, contest open until Contest closes March 10 2009. Details here : Tilt Festival