1. I got a job that should have lasted 1 month, so I kept postponing lots of projects and stuff... the job ended up going on for 9 months...
2. I became a technical expert (3D Max), only to realize that in the not too distant future most of these tasks will probably be done by the software on its own... As a consequence of that I am concentrating on creative vision, paper and pencil or 3D software... it's the ideas that I'm focusing on now, the rest can be learned along the way...
3. I finished a relationship and started a new one and find myself now going crazy trying to balance my time out with love, work and art... thankfully I don't have any kids! So yeah, if you are lonely and miserable make sure to use all that time cause at some point you might find yourself making some weird time-management decisions...
So work ran out a few weeks ago and I started working on some personal projects, currently doing a music video for my friends from Scream Club, sketching a lot and looking at cool stuff and art around me... enjoying some creative times... :-D for as long as I can make it last... hopefully for ever....
So I leave you with a sweet video for now from the guys at Guerre Naive... until sooner than my last post!
Guerre Naïve from Guerre Naïve Team on Vimeo.