Sunday, May 17, 2009

3D Animation, movies and games

So as I posted earlier, on of the reasons I got interested in game creation and game engines was because of the film-making possibilities of the tools. Yesterday, as I was following Mdot's video on Z-brush-c4d workflow, I realized that game engine or not, I still have a film to make, that whatever digital tools I use, they will suffice, IF I have a story to tell... And this is where the big difference between games and movies comes in, a game doesn't have to tell a story to be good, as long as the gameplay is fun or interesting. A movie might be interestingly made, but without something to say it's just nice motion graphics... and that is fine too, but it's somehow subutilizing a very powerful medium.

Sooo after fooling around with Z-brush/c4d/3dmax last night, I set my new plan to FINISH the script, jobless or not and regarless of my additional game-makin'-research-and-other-things, the priority now is to finish the story.

Here are two interesting videos, one of them posted by Mdot on his blog, absolutely ass-kicking for those of us who haven't gotten serious about our movie-making and the second one, a very interesting use of "procedural city building". I can see that turning into a plugin of sorts for 3D programs... I have heard that there are some game companies using this technique to quickly generate content. More about that later.

Here is Ralph Bakshi on making animated films:

Here is Shamus Young's Pixel City:

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